An aid project for Ukrainian families
.. sometimes the importance shifts…. like right now!
Dear friends of IMAGO!
It’s true, since you regularly receive this newsletter from me, I always report about the current activities around IMAGO Camera and invite you to them!
But there are situations that do not tolerate any delay and need all your attention – now.
The war in Ukraine and the associated humanitarian disaster is one such situation. no one knows where this is going, but everyone knows they can help.
I share here below an appeal from my son Jakob and his friend Sophia combined with the heartfelt wish that you read it, share it and – each according to his abilities – help.
My son Jakob, together with the founder of the Meaalofa Foundation gGmbH, Andreas Müller-Hermann, decided to buy a whole house in Boitzenburg in the beautiful Uckermark near Berlin, to offer a new home to Ukrainian refugees, especially women and children, as soon as possible. Perhaps such a peaceful and beautiful landscape is just the right place to come to rest….
The house and garden are currently being renovated and developed for families by an initiative of young people. Excellent great help has already been offered by the village community in terms of energetic support! And a big thank you for the many donations in kind that we have already received!
The mayor and the social welfare office are already on board!
Now we are working to make the house ready for occupancy as soon as possible.
For this we need to make some basic, major investments (electrical, plumbing and safety modifications).
It would be fantastic if you can support the project with a donation, no matter how much, to the account below!
Here you can see the progress of the project:
and press here:
If you have any questions about the project, please write to:
Due to the cooperation with the non-profit organization Meaalofa Foundation can be issued for donations receipts.
Account holder: Meaalofa Foundation gGmbH
IBAN: DE44 7002 0270 0034 5124 34
BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX (Hypovereinsbank AG Munich)
Intended purpose: Boitzenburg
We are looking forward to your support!
Many greetings!
Jakob & Sophia
Susanna Kraus and IMAGO Team